Lotte Hotel
Seattle, Washington

2025 Solution Providers Package Details
Exhibit Table
Provides a focal point for your presence at the conference. A standard six-foot hotel table will be provided to be used for displaying promotional materials, giving application demonstrations, and liaising with attendees. Included with the table are a tablecloth, an electrical supply and power extension cords. Please contact the hotel if you require additional electrical or internet access.
Due to space limitations Solution Providers are requested to use tabletop displays only.
All Solutions Provider personnel must register for the meeting as attendees. Solution Providers are responsible for meeting all their handling and shipping charges.
Web Link
Have your web site listed at to show your industry involvement as well as your support for PSIG. As well as supporting PSIG this provides an opportunity for you to promote your company by taking advantage of PSIG’s international reputation for excellence.
The web link is listed for a year starting in June.
PSIG Conference App
Reach out to a target audience who are not only focused on your business sector but are influential in buying the solutions you offer. There is a page waiting for you on the PSIG Conference App! The PSIG Conference App (Attendee Hub by Cvent) will be the attendees guide to the conference and will also be used to access all the papers presented at the conference.
This unique opportunity enables you to have a page dedicated to your company on which you can include a description of your company’s products and services as well as have your company address, contact email address, and links to your social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) and company web site. As a technical teaser for the conference attendees, you can include a download of a paper presented by your company at a previous PSIG conference.
Should you select the premium package your App page can include a downloadable copy of your company’s electronic brochure (e-brochure), a video embedded on your App homepage, links to pages on your web site, as well as links to your YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia video channels. Furthermore, your company name and logo will appear on the Featured Sponsor area of the homepage in the App.
Sponsored Breakfasts
PSIG is pleased to once again be able to provide Solution Providers with the opportunity to sponsor a breakfast during the conference. Grab-and-go breakfasts will be available in the area outside of the main conference rooms. Sponsoring companies will be thanked publicly during the conference and their sponsorship highlighted through the Conference App – they will also be able to have signage in the breakfast area. If you are interested in sponsoring a breakfast, then please let us know.
By request we are offering two levels of sponsorship: Full Sponsorship and Joint Sponsorship. Full Sponsorship enables the Solution Provider to be sole sponsor of a breakfast on their selected day(s). Joint Sponsorship enables the Solution Provider to be one of two companies sponsoring breakfast on their preferred day(s).
Breakfast sponsorship is available for each day of the conference. Full Sponsorship is $2500 per day of sponsorship and Joint Sponsorship is $1250 per day of sponsorship.
Commercial Breaks
New for 2025! During the coffee breaks we will play 5-10 minute commercial videos provided by the Solution Providers. The videos will be played through the paper presentation AV system and will be shown in both the parallel sessions and the plenary sessions.
Please Note: This is open to all Solution Providers and Independent Consultants and is free of charge.
PSIG will review the commercial video to ensure it is no longer than 10 minutes and that it makes no unsubstantiated claims or defamatory remarks.
Pre-Conference Email Blasts
If you would like to send out an email to the PSIG membership at large to announce your presence and activities at the conference or related to the conference, then PSIG will be happy to send the email on your behalf free of charge. Please note that PSIG does not release an attendee list and, in compliance with PIPEDA & GDPR, only delegates who express consent during registration will have their contact details included on the conference app.
Solutions Providers Introduction
Between 2:15 pm and 2:45 pm during the plenary session on Thursday, May 8th, Solution Provider and Independent Consultants will have approximately 1-2 minutes to introduce their company and its offerings to the meeting attendees. If you would like to take part in the Solution Providers introduction, then please send an email to by 24 April confirming your participation.
Please Note: This is open to all Solution Providers and Independent Consultants and is free of charge.
Solution Providers Meeting
We will be inviting a representative from your company to an informal meeting with members of the PSIG Board of Directors to share your thoughts and feedback on the conference. Details of when this will be provided prior to the conference.
Cut Off Dates
Please be aware that the following cutoff dates apply:
Exhibit Table
Breakfast Sponsorship
Option selected in Registration
April 14, 2025
Send all information and electronic media to:
April 14, 2025
April 14, 2025
Web Link
Commercial Video
Solution Providers Introduction
Option selected in Registration
April 14, 2025
Send video, or link to repository from which the video can be downloaded to :
March 28, 2025
Send email confirming participation and an outline of your companies services and products to:
April 24, 2025
Package Summary & Pricing
PSSP Exhibit Table
Table in Solution Providers exhibition area for the duration of the conference.
PSSP Web Link
1 year listing on PSIG Partners page starting in June.
PSSP Basic App Package
- Company logo
- Description (100-word limit)
- 1 Embedded PSIG paper (pdf 10 MB limit)
- Company contact details
- Link to company web site and social media pages (LinkedIn)
PSSP Premium App Package
Solution Provider page on PSIG Conference App including:
- Company logo
- Description (100-word limit)
- 1 Embedded e-brochure (pdf 10 MB limit)
- 1 Embedded PSIG paper (pdf 10 MB limit)
- 1 Embedded YouTube video on App homepage
- Company contact details
- Link to company web site and social media pages (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
- Additional links to web pages
Featured Sponsor (Your company logo on App homepage)
PSSP Sponsored Breakfast
PSSP Co-Sponsored Breakfast
Solution Provider sponsored breakfast on one of Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
PSSP Premium Bundle
(You SAVE $200!)
- PSSP Exhibit Table
- PSSP Web Link
- PSSP Premium App Package
TOTAL VALUE = $1,000
Make the Most of Your Conference!
As well as the benefits provided by registering as a Solutions Provider, PSIG encourages you to take full advantage of the conference. Some other options that you may consider are:
Commercial Distribution to PSIG membership: If you would like any brochures or other marketing material to be sent to the PSIG membership at large, please do not ask for the PSIG contact list! Instead, PSIG will consider distributing advertising or marketing material by email to the membership on your behalf.
Client Evening: There are no scheduled PSIG activities on Wednesday evening. This provides you with the perfect opportunity to arrange a special outing or event for your clients.
Promote the Conference: The success of the conference is due to the participants. PSIG would appreciate you encouraging your clients to attend PSIG while letting your clients know that you will be attending the conference. An excellent way to reach out to our target audience is through social media channels and your company’s website and to this end we encourage you, and your clients, to follow “Pipeline Simulation Interest Group” on LinkedIn and help grow our community.
Any Questions?
Please contact Jon Barley at or
on +44-1642-773060
Once again, Thank You for your past and
continuing participation at PSIG.
Conference and Exhibit Details
Exhibit Table Setup
Exhibitors will be given the opportunity to set up their displays and demonstration equipment on Tuesday, May 6th from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. Although there will not be an opportunity to exhibit during the setup time, timely set-up will allow vendors to take full advantage of the exhibit times throughout the conference.
Exhibit Location
Exhibits will be in a designated area adjacent to, or at the back of, the main meeting room. Table assignments will be made just ahead of the conference.
Solutions Providers Introduction
Between 2:15 pm and 2:45 pm during the plenary session on Thursday, May 8th Solution Provider and Independent Consultants will have approximately 1-2 minutes to introduce their company and its offerings to the assembled meeting attendees. If you would like to take part in the Solution Providers introduction, then please send an email to by the 24th April confirming your participation.
Please Note: This is open to all Solution Providers and Independent Consultants and is free of charge.
Exhibit Hours
To allow our members to take advantage of PSIG’s technical emphasis, demonstrations are conducted prior to and after the conference sessions, during coffee and lunch breaks as follows:
- Wednesday, May 7th prior to the start of the conference session; morning coffee breaks; lunch break; afternoon breaks; after the close of the conference session
- Thursday, May 8th prior to the start of the conference session; morning coffee breaks; lunch break; afternoon breaks; after the close of the conference session
- Friday, May 9th prior to the start of the conference session; morning coffee breaks
Solution Providers Meeting
We will be inviting a representative from your company to an informal meeting with members of the PSIG Board of Directors to share your thoughts and feedback on the conference. Details of when this will be provided prior to the conference.
Wednesday Evening: There are no scheduled PSIG activities on Wednesday evening. This provides you with an opportunity to arrange a special outing or event for your clients.